
Evidence Not Seen - A Book Review of Sorts

This book was by Darlene Deibler Rose. She was a survivor of a Japanese internment camp in World War II. This book was wonderful and so relevant. I could connect with her because she was my age and a newlywed. Also, she was funny and nervous and loved the Lord but she was completely imperfect. She was definitely a modern day Moses. A regular person with an extraordinary purpose. 
  The book begins with Darlene and her new husband, Russell, venturing off to the mission field to be one of the first missionaries in Papa New Guinea. It was on their first wedding anniversary that they set out on this journey and Darlene was 21! 21! Can you imagine having been married for a year and setting out to an uncharted land where everything is unknown? I could not imagine, although I pray that if I was ever called to do that the Lord would give me boldness. Believe me, I would need His courage and it could ONLY come from Him, but back to Darlene... They set out and when they arrive Russell has to hike over mountains to find exactly where the people live and where he will begin to build a home for his new wife. During these excursions they would be separated for months at a time. Graciously the Lord provided a wonderful team of missionaries to encourage young Darlene during their times apart. 
  Not long after their arrival to this very strange and new world WWII begins and their lives are forever changed. I do not want to spoil all that happens to Darlene, I want you to read it for yourself, but I was not able to put this book down! It was inspiring, captivating and totally relevant! The difference between this book and The Hiding Place is that Darlene was a young woman during the war whereas Corrie Ten Boom was in her 50's. Also, Darlene was an American and Corrie was Dutch and Darlene was married, Corrie never married. Do not misunderstand me, The Hiding Place is an absolutely wonderful and inspiring book as well and a classic at that, I personally, was just able to relate better to Darlene. My favorite quote from this book is a rather long one which I have posted on my FB profile http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=profile&id=58901574#/profile.php?v=info&ref=profile&id=58901574 but I do want to talk about a little snippet of that quote and what it currently means to me and to today's world.
  "Were not these also the characteristics of the godly men and women in the homeland who knew a God whose supply is not modified by the world's economic situation?"
This quote is referring to a missionary campaign that was launched in the Netherlands East Indies in 1929 right in the middle of the Great Depression. "A God whose supply is not modified by the world's economic situation"...How comforting is that? What a brilliantly beautiful reminder for everyone who is currently being affected by today's economy. God will provide. He is not limited as we are. 
  Yesterday at church the Pastor spoke on Hebrews 12:26-29 
26At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens."[a] 27The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.
 28Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,29for our "God is a consuming fire."
These words too offer comfort. We are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken. The world around us may completely fall apart but God and His kingdom remain therefore if we are part of His kingdom we too will remain IN HIM - that is the best part, In Him. Just as Darlene recognized that in 1929 during the Great Depression the Lord still provides and shows His glory we too need to remember during this "Great Recession" that the Lord STILL provides and shows His glory to receive more glory! He is the same. The same as the day Hebrews was written, the same as in 1929, the same as in WWII & the same today.
  I highly, highly encourage everyone to read this book! I initially received it 2 years ago at New Years Conference with Campus Outreach and it was not until last month that I read it. Don't wait 2 years like I did! Read it this month! It is an easier read with great human emotion. I literally laughed and cried throughout this book. Please let me know what you think when you read it! I know you cannot read this book and not be touched.

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