
Efficiency at It's Finest

I've returned from my unintentional blogging hiatus and I'm super-psyched!

As you might or might not know, AW & I live in a 1BR apt. Of course we would like more space but we really, really don't want to move because where we are at is the perfect location since I am commuting to Montevallo two days a week and AW is driving downtown everyday. 
However, we have had the dilemma of "conflicting interests" lately since school has started back up. I'm good with studying at the dining room table however I always have to clean up my "mess". And last semester we I had a pile of books that grew on top of our microwave.

Also, sometimes AW wants to watch t.v. while I'm studying and I refuse to read and write in our bedroom...That's just not good for getting my homework accomplished or for sleeping.

Thankfully though, our closet is fairly large. One side is probably 7-8 feet long and the other side is broken up into two sections. One section is floor to ceiling shelves and they are really large and really awesome. The other side was being used as AW's personal section of the closet.
This afternoon when our conflicting interests arose I came up with a solution. Get rid of AW's personal section of the closet and create a study area. So, I cleared his clothes and shoes and old fraternity paraphenalia and put them on the large side with my things.

I then began the makeover. I will basically let the pictures tell the story:

The cleared out section of closet. The shelf is towards the top of the closet, close to the ceiling...

Yes, the space is only 3ft. wide and 2ft. deep...

I added my school books to the shelf (wanna be an English major with all those books??)

I hung up one of AW's posters of Ross Bridge golf course and hotel at sunset, we got a little desk and chair from Big Lots and it all fits perfectly...

Here I am pondering what I am going to write next and hoping it will be the next "Great American Novel"...

Hooray for efficiency spaces and for a warm, cozy home! Blessings everywhere!

P.S. Does anyone know of any available scholarships out there that are legitimate???